Saturday, September 21, 2019

A MONTH before heart attack your body will warn you. Here are the signs.

Sadly, heart attacks are one of the most common injuries in the nation. It has been reported that your body will give warnings signs of a heart attack up to six months before it occurs. Have you experienced any of these symptoms? If so, you may need to schedule an appointment with your health care provider.
In the United States, heart disease is the leading cause of death. It can cause a variety of ailments that affect your heart. Some of these conditions include coronary artery disease, arrhythmia, and congenital heart defects.
You can improve your heart health by improving your diet, exercising, taking iron supplements, and increasing your omega-3 fatty acid intake through food sources or supplements. Meanwhile, watch for the following warning symptoms that your body may be prone to a heart attack.


A heart attack can occur when the flow of blood and oxygen to a section of the heart becomes blocked. The heart muscle begins to die from the lack of oxygen. If the blood flow isn’t quickly restored, that area of the heart can die. If medical intervention does not immediately occur, the entire heart can die, leading, of course, to death.



One early sign of a heart attack is extreme fatigue. Of course, fatigue is a normal feeling after engaging in physical activities or experiencing a long day. However, if you are constantly feeling fatigued and tired, you may need to schedule a check-up with your doctor to monitor the health of your heart.
It is not natural to get enough sleep, eat well, and not exhaust yourself physically, but still feel exhausted.


Another warning sign of a heart attack is a disturbance in your sleep habits. Your subconscious mind may be telling you that something is wrong. You may wake frequently, need to use the bathroom frequently during the night, or experience extreme thirst during the night. If you do not have a logical explanation for these sleep disturbances, see your doctor.


Experiencing shortness of breath can be a key warning sign that you are having heart issues. When your heart does not get enough oxygen, you can feel short of breath.


Another early warning sign of a heart attack is indigestion. It is not normal to always have a growling stomach. However, certain spicy and irritating foods can normally cause indigestion.


See your physician if you experienced increased levels of anxiety that do not have a ready explanation.


When your heart does not receive sufficient oxygen to function, it can send impulses to you spine. When this happens, the nerves that are interconnected between your heart, spine, and arms send impulses that cause pain in your arms. If you experience numbness in your arm, you may be having a heart attack.
Keeping watch for these early warning signs of a heart attack could save your life. Share this information with your loved ones to protect their heart, too!.

Saturday, September 14, 2019

Banishing Negative energy pt 1

10 Signs You Need To Clear Negative Energy From Yourself & How To Clear.

List Of 10 Signs You Need To Clear NegativeEnergy From Yourself:

#1 Insatiable Desire For More Stuff

People with negative energy tend to equate buying things  with positive emotions. But, in a study published in Neuron, scientists looked at what’s going on in the brain when we think about buying stuff.
They found that when a product image is flashed before people’s eyes, nucleus accumbens (an area of the brain representing a primary site mediating reward behavior) was lit up when subjects liked what they saw.
Basically, the brain’s pleasure center kicks into gear and floods the brain with dopamine at the very thought of getting something we want.

#2 Being Cold-Hearteds

Negative people tend not to be very empathetic or compassionate. Some are quick to condemn and slow to praise. And, some take pleasure in the misfortune of others – a phenomenon known as schadenfreude.

#3 Being a Complainer

People who spend a lot of time complaining about the shortcomings and transgression of other people may have excessive negativity. 
Some people rant about sports, others about politics or the local PTA. But the venom comes from the same source – “bad energy.”

#4 Communicate Only To Criticize

People can be competitive but persons who feel bitterness either towards others or towards their own life have the tendency to dominate and destroy even in non-aggressive instances and neutral environment.
In conversations, whether it is a peaceful discussion or a heated argument, it is important to have the calmness when expressing your stance ando beliefs. 
#5 No Appreciation
Individuals who are negative are often blind to how others love and care about them. Occasionally, they don’t even realize how good people treat them and would often go on a defensive stance when their friends try to give them a piece of advice.
Appreciate your friends and remember that their advice  not meant to harm you. They are called “friends” for a reason.

#6 Memory Problems

Negativity affects the very nature of the brain, therefore, be on the lookout for any signs of cognitive issues. These will be all thanks to spiked levels of cortisol (the “stress hormone”), that psychologists say that can cause memory problems, as well as problems creating new memories.

#7 Feard

Panic disorder is common in someone who has a negative mood as their emotions are out of their control and they don’t know when the highs or lows will strike them. Furthermore, fear of having a panic attack or general anxiety is also common with individuals who experience extreme mood swings.
Important note – scientists studying panic disorder found that more than 25 percent of the suferrers with anxiety were clinically diagnosable as having bipolar disorder.

#8 Self-Loathing

We all doubt ourselves sometimes. But if someone you know complains about feeling worthless or lacks basic confidence, it could be that they’re feeling down and have a negative view on life.
This can show up in not feeling comfortable speaking up in class or physical insecurities. Feeling worthless can prevent people from doing things, even simple tasks which many of us do without thinking.
If you recognize these signs in someone you know, it might be that they are experiencing depression due to their negative energy.

#9 Lack of Motivation


If someone you know never wants to leave the house, they might be having a negative mood. Occasionally we all need a bit of alone time, nevertheless, if you know someone who avoids engaging with the world, it could be a sign of an underlying issue.

#10 Things Can Get Pretty Intenseman sad mad angry

According to researchers, intensity is how high anger gets on a one to 10 scale with one being calm and 10 being enraged. Most people can manage their anger before it gets to a five on that scale, but people with negative energy have a hard time doing this.
Read our next  article on 19th of September and 2019 to find out how to banish negativity from your life and home.You can Follow us on instagram and our youtube channel. 

Tuesday, September 10, 2019


We have a certain feeling inside of us that we are completely unable to describe and we only have this certain kind of feeling whenever we are with them specifically.

There aren’t any words that you can say that would give the feeling any justice, it’s just something that you have to feel for yourself.
Not everyone is able to find this kind of feeling for another person or ever sometimes depending on who you are. If you think you have found that amazing another person then you already know what this means to you.
You’re probably thinking about them the more you continue reading this. That’s how powerful this feeling is, even when you’re not trying to think about them you just are subconscious.

Here are 6 signs that mean you have found the one true soul mate that was meant for you.


When you find your true soul mate, there isn’t anything that the both of you aren’t able to overcome together. Sure, there are a lot of hardships or adversity that may have stuck obstacles in your way, but you both somehow managed to pull everything back together even when you both may have thought that there was no coming back from this.
You would never find yourself in a situation where you’d think you’d have to leave the other person in order to satisfy a piece of their happiness that maybe you weren’t living up too.
Despite the many challenges that have been brought before your relationship, you both took a stand and made sure that the two of you were going to be the last ones standing.


Maybe not literally reading each other’s minds, but you both know each other so well that you pretty much already know what they are going to say, what they want, what they need, what they were going to do, anything.
This is another way of knowing that you have your one true soul mate. Even when you didn’t even ask them for anything at all, they still somehow read your mind and bring you the thing that you were needing most at that moment in time.
It comes naturally, not even trying to be close to each other, you both just know what’s going to happen next because it makes you both happy.


Regardless of being each other’s one true soul mate, you both have not lost yourselves to one another. Meaning that you’re still the same personality type that you were when you first began being together.
Of course, you both have probably made a lot of changes over the years, but your still the same people that when you first fell in love.
This doesn’t happen in a lot of relationships and in fact, some people lose themselves to the other person entirely. It’s important that you maintain this kind of bond with each other and not try to become something that either of you is not. Honesty is a very key element in any type of relationship.


There may even be times where you begin to dream about your true soul mate. Your love for them is so powerful that you are literally constantly thinking about them even when you’re asleep.
These dreams can be extremely vivid and put in just the right atmosphere. Of course, it is your brain so you would hope that you would go to a happy place whenever you think about your soul mate. Who knows you might have been dreaming about them this entire time and didn’t even know it until just now.


When you find your true soul mate, there is an overwhelming sense of adventure that sweeps over both of you. This feeling that resonates inside you propels you both into doing things that you might not have ever saw yourself doing before.
This is one of the signs when you know you’ve found a love so pure that you both can do anything in the entire world and you’d still both have an undying love for one another. You’ll probably go traveling together a lot, find new places that you’ve never seen before, meet new friends together, and everything in between. Your love fuels the ship and you both are the captains.


Another huge sign that you have found your true soul mate is when they leave for a long period of time and find yourself not being able to do as well with things as you thought you could.
For you, being away from your true soul mate is almost like giving yourself the biggest distraction from everything else that’s going on in your life.
It’s not like you don’t care about the things you’re doing but that you would just be a lot better off if your soul mate came back to you once more. Their presence has a strong impact on the things you do because while you’re doing all of those things you’re thinking of them. This is what true love looks like for soul.

Sunday, September 8, 2019

What Does Your Birth Month Say About You And Your Future.

As you probably know, your zodiac sign can tell you a lot about your underlying tendencies, helping to illuminate your strengths and weakness when working with the Law of Attraction. However, you may not be aware that the study of astrology can also reveal how your birth month connects with your nature. This can teach you new things that will boost your manifestation potential.
Keep reading to discover what your birth month reveals about your manifestation journey!


You are a hard-working, outspoken person, and you hold fast to your underlying beliefs. This means you’re unlikely to be swayed once you decide to manifest something. However, it also means you might have to work harder than most to defeat limiting beliefs from the past.

You’re also a natural leader and teacher, which means you will excel at spreading the positive message of the Law of Attraction (in turn attracting more goodness into your own life).


You likely have a strong creative streak, so you’ll be very good at all the imaginative activities associated with manifestation (such as visualization and dream boarding). However, your innate love of adventure means you might focus on the big picture at the expense of the little details that will get you to your destination; try to remember that making a step-by-step manifestation plan is crucial.


You are probably quite an introspective person. In addition, your ability to build dazzling pictures in your own mind will help you get to the root of what you really want from life.
On the other hand, be aware that others may sometimes take advantage of your gentleness and kindness. Consequently, think about regularly performing an inventory of your relationships to see if any might be holding you back from using the Law of Attraction to its full potential. 


You are likely to thrive on attention and enjoy time in the spotlight, so keep this in mind if you’re still trying to work out your life purpose. Your frankness and honesty will serve you well when you strive to boost self-knowledge. Plus, you’re willing to take worthwhile risks.
That being said, remember to think your manifestation plan through before just jumping right in; excitement can get the best of you sometimes!


You may struggle to pin down one thing you consistently want to attract; this lack of focus reduces the chances of success. Nevertheless, you are a magnetic person who makes other people feel at ease. Therefore, you’re adept at raising your own vibration and pulling more positivity into your life.
Further, your love of intellectual stimulation puts you in a great position to understand the theoretical groundings of the Law of Attraction.


You have deep compassion and empathy, which means you’ll typically do well when manifesting anything related to interpersonal goals (whether they’re related to love or friendship). However, you may sometimes hesitate to express your true self to others. It is only by living an authentic life that you’ll reliably send your message to the universe and be able to attract what you truly need.


You have an infectious kind of energy that draws other people to you. Therefore, you have something of a head start when trying to manifest a relationship or a business.
You’re also talented at adopting a positive demeanor, though you may hide many of your more difficult emotions from others. Be sure not to ignore these feelings! Instead, properly process them so you can work against hidden negativity and remove barriers to manifesting your intentions.


You’re not afraid to defend your opinions, so any dissenting voices are unlikely to sway you from your goals. One of your major challenges will be to resist the urge to over-think. Consequently, this can block access to highly valuable intuitions that can guide you towards your goal. Trust your heart, not just your head, when using the Law of Attraction.


You hold others to high standards, so you won’t settle for anything less than the friendships and relationships you deserve. This trait encourages self-valuing beliefs that will help you attract goodness into your life. The more difficult flip side to your high standards is that your tendency towards perfectionism can stop you from seeing just how close to your potential you really are.


You’re very attracted to balance and stability, so you’ll understand the importance of self-care as well as the value of hard work when using the Law of Attraction. However, you may also be pulled toward excessive independence. In this way, you will not always recognize when you would benefit from asking others for help or support. Try to work on reaching out more often, and accepting the resources others offer to you.


It’s typically hard for you to share your deepest feelings with others, as you value privacy. While this guards you against a certain degree of hurt, it can also reduce the depth of human connections you form, which is especially important if you’re trying to manifest love. You’ll be better able to realize your intentions if you begin to disclose more of your identity to those who want to know you.


You’re a generous, adventurous person who enjoys new experiences and has a free spirit.
Your Achilles heel is perhaps your pride. However, which may lead you to abandon goals or relationships at the first hurdle. Remember that every setback has something valuable to teach you! Everything will ultimately bring you closer to manifesting your dreams.

Thursday, September 5, 2019


Approximately 300 million years ago, when trees died, they didn’t rot. It took 60 million years for bacteria to evolve to be able to decompose wood. Those piles of non-decomposed heavy wood would eventually compress those trees into peat and then, over time, into coal.

2. Mitochondria are believed to be evolved from specialized bacteria that merged with our cell’s cytoplasm 1.5 billion years. This explains why it contains its own DNA.

3. All humanity has a common (8000x) grandmother. An African woman who lived 200,000 years ago is the common maternal ancestor of all humans alive today.

4. 358 million years ago Earth was in the Carboniferous period. During that age oxygen levels were 15% higher than today thanks to the abundance of plant life, which meant scorpions were the size of dogs, a caterpillar was the size of an anaconda and dragonflies were the size of eagles.

5. There were four mass extinction events before the one that killed the dinosaurs. The most severe killed a staggering 97% of all species. All life on Earth today is descended from the 3% that survived.


The Earth has another continent called Zealandia. The entire continent sank after breaking away from Australia around 65-80 million years ago.

7. A Neanderthal who is now named “Shanidar 1” was buried approximately 45,000 to 35,000 years ago. Despite several injuries and disabilities from early in his life that would have made it impossible to survive on his own, he lived to relatively old age (40 to 50) with the help of others.

8. 400 million years ago, before trees took over, Earth was covered in 24-foot mushrooms called prototaxites.

9. Our genes show that we all share a male ancestor who is called Y-Chromosomal Adam. He lived approximately 208,300 years ago.

10. More than 4 billion years ago, Earth was hit by several objects larger than 600 miles that could vaporize the oceans and sterilize the surface yet bacterial life survived deep underground and each time recolonized the planet.

11Natural nuclear reactor

About 1.7 billion years ago, there was a natural nuclear reactor that ran for a few hundred thousand years. The existence of this phenomenon was discovered in 1972 at Oklo in Gabon in Central Africa by French physicist Francis Perrin.

12. The 3.6 million-year-old Laetoli footprints, one of the most important finds concerning human evolution and evidence of upright bipedal walking, was discovered by Paleoanthropologist Andrew Hill when he dove into the ground during the middle of an elephant dung fight with a colleague.

13. A mere 12,000 years ago a species (Homo floresiensis) closely related to modern humans had been living on an Indonesian island. They used fire and rather advanced tools, yet were only about 3 feet tall, weighing around 25kg.

14. During the late Jurassic and Cretaceous periods, the majority of the oceans reefs weren't built by corrals, but rather a group of bivalve clam like mollusks called Rudists.

15. 20 million years ago in North America, the spread of ancient cats led to the extinction of many dog species. There used to about 30 canine species in North America. Only 8 remain.

16Genetic change

In the last 5 millennia, genetic change in humans has occurred at a rate roughly 100 times higher than any other period of human evolution. Humans today are more genetically different from humans living 5,000 years ago than these people were from humans living 40,000 years ago.

17. 49 million years ago, a giant bloom of floating plants (Azolla) in the Arctic Ocean tipped the Earth's climate from very hot to very cold.

18. Blond hair in humans developed only 11,000 years ago as an evolutionary response to the lack of sunlight in Northern Europe to enable more Vitamin-D synthesis.

19. Pangaea was not the first supercontinent. That honor goes to the billion-year-old landmass known as Rodinia. The continents routinely split apart and come back together in a process known as the supercontinent cycle.

20. Around 70,000 years ago the Volcano Toba in Indonesia erupted and covered the earth with so much ash the sun was dimmed for 6 years. The population of early humans neared extinction and some studies indicate there were as few as 40 breeding pairs.

21Cambrian Explosion

The Cambrian Explosion might be explained by rising sea levels 540 million years ago which resulted in three times as much calcium being dissolved into the sea. Life forms had to create shells, bones and other hard tissues in response leading to the diversity of life we see today.

22. During the Cretaceous period (145 - 100 million years ago), Earth's climate was so warm that there were no polar ice caps, and forests probably extended all the way to the South Pole. Local plants and dinosaurs evolved to live in continuous sunlight in the summer and darkness in the winter.

23. Australopithecus, anatomically similar to modern humans, co-existed with Megalodon, the biggest shark species that ever lived.

24. Ancient human ancestor Homo erectus ate cooked food as long ago as 1.9 million years.

25. The Earth is currently and has been in an ice age for over 30 million years.



Wednesday, September 4, 2019

Using oils to achieve the bubble butt look.

Brilliant Bubble Butt

So I’ve seen various talks about this on the internet; most noticeably forum discussions, youtube, and social media platforms.
There is an idea floating around where you can buy fish oil pills and vitamin e pills or cream, and then rub them onto your butt to make it grow.
The question is does it actually work? Well, lets find out.
The process begins with you poking holes into some fish oil pills, along with vitamin e pills and applying a generous amount to your buttocks.
You then get some seran wrap and completely cover all applied areas of your butt (cheeks) with it. You do this to ensure it does not leak onto your clothes, and so it can also be absorbed properly.
You will then proceed about your daily activities, or sit down on a chair for about 30 minutes. Some people tend to go longer, assuming that it may yield better results.
And some people will even sit on a heating pad with the goal of it causing the pours of the buttocks to open up and absorb more of the solution.
Now before I even knew about this whole process, I could already infer the logic behind it. But before I go into that, lets look briefly at what each of the active ingredients behind these pills actually do for our bodies and our booties.

Vitamin E:

Vitamin E is a fat soluble vitamin. It is a powerful anti-oxidant often found in skin care products and applied to aid in things like wrinkles, scars, cuticles, and brown spots via its anti-free radical properties.
However, the benefits of it actually having a significant effect on such things has proven rather inconclusive.
The human body itself doesn’t produce it on its own, so it is essential that you get it through eating the right foods. Thankfully eating some of the foods we recommend in our foods for a bigger butt list will provide you with ample amounts of vitamin E.
For example an ounce of almonds will give you 40% of your daily value of vitamin E.

Fish Oil:

Fish oil has seen pretty big popularity in the health scene over the last decade. Fish oil contains both EPA & DHA forms of the healthy fatty acid known as Omega 3. Since omega 3 is an essential fatty acid; it therefore cannot be produced by the human body.
Omega 3 has been though to prevent and aid in many diseases, injuries, and issues within the body. It is typically recommended as a daily essential for these reasons.
Such benefits have included, improved memory, cognitive function, cardiovascular health, reducing inflammation, anti-aging, improved fat burning and many many more.
Now that you know a little about both of these ingredients, lets now discuss if they actually help you get a bigger butt.

Mixing the Two Together for Butt Growth

There is not a lot of hard logic on why these two products should be mixed together for buttocks growth. However the common reasoning is that fish oil is liquid fat, and vitamin E has been assumed to have many skin benefiting properties with collagen and elasticity.
Applied topically it is assumed that the fat from vitamin e will be absorbed into the butt and cause the buttocks to grow plumper and fatter. While the vitamin e will help with firmness and smoothness.
The result will equal a bigger, tighter, and smoother buttocks. Sounds pretty good to me, right?
The problem is that it simply does not work that way. You can’t spot treat areas of your body by rubbing liquid fat on yourself.
If this spot treating logic were true, then individuals all over would be using it for various parts of their bodies they want to “plump up”. Such as sunken cheeks, bony ribs, collar bones — even boob jobs would become a thing of the past after long term vigorous use.
And even if you could, fish oil pills contain such an insignificant amount of calories per pill (10) that its not enough for your body to store excess f
But wait, there are tons of people on the internet claiming it has worked for getting them a bigger butt.
Well, there are a lot of reasons why this may be.
One may be nothing more than an illusion in their minds. They want their butt to grow so much, then they find a “solution” so they start to convince themselves it actually works.
For people who actually measure, well, they may be simply improperly measuring. The difference of a few points of an inch can often times change between measurements depending on body positioning.
Furthermore like lots of other parts of the body, I can assume that a butt may be bigger or smaller given the time of day. Things like current environmental temperature, sodium intake, hormones, excess water retention, hydration levels, or even if you have been sitting or standing for a prolonged time may cause fluctuations in size.
The final and most likely reason as to why people are noticing there butt is bigger after the oil and vitamin regiment, is because it may have actually grown. The problem is, it wasn’t from the solution.
Majority of women I have seen using this method have also been eating better and exercising thoroughly with squats, lunges, etc.
They seem to think that buttocks growth from exercise simply can’t occur that quickly, so they start to praise the oil and vitamin concoction instead.
When in fact seeing some immediate growth in as little as a few workouts is entirely possible and likely with a great booty building program.


It makes very little sense why this would ever work. You would be much better off consuming the fish oil and vitamin E pills orally as they were intended.
Apart from that the whole process is a hassle. Even the women who think they are getting results tend to quit because of the inconvenience and smelly aroma of distilled fish on your skin.
All in all for a bigger butt we recommend you focus on your exercise and nutrition first and foremost and leave this one on the back burner.

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