Saturday, September 14, 2019

Banishing Negative energy pt 1

10 Signs You Need To Clear Negative Energy From Yourself & How To Clear.

List Of 10 Signs You Need To Clear NegativeEnergy From Yourself:

#1 Insatiable Desire For More Stuff

People with negative energy tend to equate buying things  with positive emotions. But, in a study published in Neuron, scientists looked at what’s going on in the brain when we think about buying stuff.
They found that when a product image is flashed before people’s eyes, nucleus accumbens (an area of the brain representing a primary site mediating reward behavior) was lit up when subjects liked what they saw.
Basically, the brain’s pleasure center kicks into gear and floods the brain with dopamine at the very thought of getting something we want.

#2 Being Cold-Hearteds

Negative people tend not to be very empathetic or compassionate. Some are quick to condemn and slow to praise. And, some take pleasure in the misfortune of others – a phenomenon known as schadenfreude.

#3 Being a Complainer

People who spend a lot of time complaining about the shortcomings and transgression of other people may have excessive negativity. 
Some people rant about sports, others about politics or the local PTA. But the venom comes from the same source – “bad energy.”

#4 Communicate Only To Criticize

People can be competitive but persons who feel bitterness either towards others or towards their own life have the tendency to dominate and destroy even in non-aggressive instances and neutral environment.
In conversations, whether it is a peaceful discussion or a heated argument, it is important to have the calmness when expressing your stance ando beliefs. 
#5 No Appreciation
Individuals who are negative are often blind to how others love and care about them. Occasionally, they don’t even realize how good people treat them and would often go on a defensive stance when their friends try to give them a piece of advice.
Appreciate your friends and remember that their advice  not meant to harm you. They are called “friends” for a reason.

#6 Memory Problems

Negativity affects the very nature of the brain, therefore, be on the lookout for any signs of cognitive issues. These will be all thanks to spiked levels of cortisol (the “stress hormone”), that psychologists say that can cause memory problems, as well as problems creating new memories.

#7 Feard

Panic disorder is common in someone who has a negative mood as their emotions are out of their control and they don’t know when the highs or lows will strike them. Furthermore, fear of having a panic attack or general anxiety is also common with individuals who experience extreme mood swings.
Important note – scientists studying panic disorder found that more than 25 percent of the suferrers with anxiety were clinically diagnosable as having bipolar disorder.

#8 Self-Loathing

We all doubt ourselves sometimes. But if someone you know complains about feeling worthless or lacks basic confidence, it could be that they’re feeling down and have a negative view on life.
This can show up in not feeling comfortable speaking up in class or physical insecurities. Feeling worthless can prevent people from doing things, even simple tasks which many of us do without thinking.
If you recognize these signs in someone you know, it might be that they are experiencing depression due to their negative energy.

#9 Lack of Motivation


If someone you know never wants to leave the house, they might be having a negative mood. Occasionally we all need a bit of alone time, nevertheless, if you know someone who avoids engaging with the world, it could be a sign of an underlying issue.

#10 Things Can Get Pretty Intenseman sad mad angry

According to researchers, intensity is how high anger gets on a one to 10 scale with one being calm and 10 being enraged. Most people can manage their anger before it gets to a five on that scale, but people with negative energy have a hard time doing this.
Read our next  article on 19th of September and 2019 to find out how to banish negativity from your life and home.You can Follow us on instagram and our youtube channel. 

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